What Happens Now? Life As a Pilot on Reserve


Ah, the glamorous life of a pilot—where visions of soaring through the clouds and executing flawless landings dance in our heads, only to be rudely interrupted by the dreaded specter of Pilot On Reserve.

For the uninitiated, allow me to paint a picture of this less-than-glamorous aspect of aviation life. Picture yourself in the shoes of an aircrew scheduler, tasked with the Herculean feat of predicting the future in an industry as unpredictable as the weather. In a perfect world, every flight would go off without a hitch, but alas, perfection is but a distant dream in the aviation world.

Enter Hotel Reserve, the bane of every pilot’s existence—or so we jest. Picture it: 12 long hours spent holed up in a hotel room, waiting like a coiled spring for the call to duty. It’s like being in a baseball bullpen, but instead of hurling fastballs, we’re just hoping to hurl ourselves into the friendly skies.

grayscale photography of hotel front
The Friendly Hotel Awaits

Now, before you cry foul and accuse us of getting paid to do nothing, let me assure you, Hotel Reserve has its downsides. Sure, we’re technically on duty, but we’re also on standby, which means we need to be ready to leap into action at a moment’s notice. No leisurely strolls through downtown or impromptu pint nights for us—we pack our suitcase, rest our bodies, and we’re ready to spring into action faster than you can say “takeoff clearance.”

welcome to fabulous las vegas nevada signage
Vegas…Home of the Taylor Swift Super Bowl

And let’s not forget the tantalizing tease of sitting in cities like Las Vegas. While outsiders envision us living it up on the Strip, the reality is far less glamorous. We’re in the confines of our hotel room, staring wistfully out the window at the bright lights and revelry below, all the while awaiting the call that may never come.

And as for those brave souls enduring the mythical Airport Reserve? Well, let’s just say they’re a rare breed indeed. How they survive without the warm embrace of satellite TV and room service is a mystery to us all.

So the next time you hear a pilot mention their stint on reserve, spare a thought for the unsung heroes of the aviation world, waiting patiently in their hotel rooms for their moment to shine—or at least, their moment to take off. Until then, we’ll be here, counting down the minutes and dreaming of the skies above.


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Check Out These Items We Use to Fight the Boredom of Being On Reserve

  1. Keep Your Electronic Cables Together https://amzn.to/3I7kaU6 #ad
  2. Essential Travel Kit For Liquids https://amzn.to/3wrspYG #ad
  3. Noise Canceling Earbuds https://amzn.to/48qrpRY #ad
  4. Kindle Book Reader https://amzn.to/3UQo77A #ad
  5. Don’t Get Hangry, Take Snacks https://amzn.to/3SN7JSn #ad