A “Golden” Retriever Rescue: A Fantastic Flight with Rainer

A Pilot’s Weekend Adventure: Rescuing Rainer the Golden Retriever

The day starts early, as it always seems to on retriever rescue days. My daughter and I pull the trusty Piper Warrior out of the hangar at Yuba County Airport. It’s barely dawn, and the first rays of sunshine are announcing their arrival, like an overenthusiastic morning person who’s had too much coffee.

We’re armed with our own coffee, plus a bottle of water and a well-worn blanket to keep my co-pilot warm. We have a mission today: fly north to Redding Airport (KRDD) to pick up Rainer, a Golden Retriever in need of some sky-high relocation services. Rainer’s headed to Dogwood Animal Rescue in Santa Rosa, where he’ll hopefully trade in his kennel for a comfy couch and a loving family.

Pre-flight Adventures: Coffee, Mountains, and Controller Banter

Taking off into the early morning sky, the valley below is bathed in golden light, the kind that makes you appreciate living in California. Even if the price of avgas makes you question your sanity sometimes. As we head north, Mt. Shasta looms in the distance, looking like the cover of a nature magazine. I nudge my daughter and point. “Look, there’s Shasta.”

“Looks like whipped cream on a giant latte,” she says, glancing up from her mid-flight nap. Teenagers and sleep—an inseparable duo.

Redding Tower is in its usual cheerful mood when we check in. I swear, these controllers must have their own stash of espresso up there. We glide into the Redding Jet Center FBO and are met with smiles and a friendly wave. That’s one of the perks of flying into smaller airports—people are happy to see you, even if you’ve brought your own snacks.

Meet Rainer: The Star of the Show

On the ground, we meet Sherri, the local rescue volunteer, who’s brought Rainer to the airport. Rainer is a stunning Golden Retriever, and I can tell he knows it. He has that “I’m about to make it big” strut, even though he’s been cooped up in a kennel for most of his days.

Sherri explains his story as we secure him into the back seat. “He’s been through a lot, but he’s a good boy. Just needs a fresh start.”

Rainer gives us a tail wag of approval as if to say, “Let’s get this show on the road—or air, as it were.”

In-Flight Entertainment: Snoozing Canines and Scenic Views

Once we’re airborne, Rainer settles in surprisingly fast. My daughter spreads a towel out for him, and within minutes, the majestic Golden Retriever has drifted off to sleep. No airsickness, no whimpering—just peaceful, snoring dog vibes from the backseat.

“He might be the best passenger of the week,” I tell my daughter, as we pass over the fields of the valley.

Arrival in Santa Rosa: Tail Wags and New Beginnings

As we descend into Santa Rosa, I can feel the excitement building—not from us, but from Rainer. He’s awake now, his tail thumping against the seat as he gazes out the window. I swear he knows this is the start of something new.

We touch down smoothly, and the founder of Dogwood rescue is waiting at the FBO to greet us. Rainer bounds out of the plane with more energy than I’ve had all week. His tail is going at warp speed as he climbs out of the plane

“Well, buddy,” I say, giving him a final pat. “This is where we part ways. Enjoy your new life.”

Rainer looks up at me, tail wagging, before trotting off toward his new adventure. My daughter and I watch him go, our hearts full knowing we played a small part in his journey to freedom.

Retriever Rescue and The Flight Back Home

As we take off for the return flight, the plane feels lighter. Or maybe that’s just me, feeling a little more at peace knowing we helped Rainer take a leap toward a better life. My daughter leans her head on the window, tired but happy, and I sip my lukewarm coffee, smiling to myself.

Flying rescue missions like this isn’t glamorous, but it’s one of the most rewarding things we do together. Plus, it gives me a good excuse to keep the Piper Warrior in action. Every time I see a tail wag like Rainer’s, it makes the cost of avgas sting a little less.

As we glide back into Yuba County, I can’t help but think: this was a good day. And tomorrow? Well, there’s always another flight, another animal in need, and another cup of coffee to kick things off.


Don’t forget to use our amazon link to shop! It helps us save lives #ad https://amzn.to/4fQfDoN

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Check out some of our retriever rescue recommendations below:

1. **Noise-Cancelling Aviation Headset** – Perfect for both pilot and co-pilot to enjoy a quiet flight. #ad https://amzn.to/3Xh5jiE

2. **Pet Travel Carrier** – Ensure your furry passenger is safe and comfortable during the flight. #ad https://amzn.to/3Xh5g6s

3. **Aviation Sunglasses** – Protect your eyes while enjoying the clear skies. #ad https://amzn.to/4cCCFgj

4. **Cozy Travel Blanket** – Keep your pet warm and snug during the journey. #ad https://amzn.to/4dSLK5r

Check out our other rescue flights!

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