A Sky Journey: From Athens to Rome – A Pilot’s Adventure

Today, we embark on an exhilarating sky journey leaving the ancient city of Athens to the eternal city of Rome. Soaring through the skies, let’s take flight towards the captivating history and breathtaking landmarks that await us in Rome. Join me as we explore these historical wonders and immerse ourselves in the beauty and charm of Italy.

Taking Off from Athens

The sun rises over the Aegean Sea as we make our final pre-flight checks at Athens International Airport. As an American pilot, it’s a joy to fly across the globe and explore new cultures and landscapes. The flight from Athens to Rome is relatively short, giving us ample time to prepare for the adventure that lies ahead.

Arriving in Rome: Exploring St. Peter’s Basilica

Touching down at Roma, Ciampino Airport (LIRA), the anticipation builds as we make our way to the heart of Rome. It’s only a 20 minute taxi ride to our hotel, The Crowne Plaza. The Plaza is a beautiful and centrally located hotel with a nice pool and several restaurants. After getting settled in, our first stop is St. Peter’s Basilica, a symbol of beauty and spirituality that graces the Vatican City. This majestic structure, designed by renowned architects including Michelangelo, takes our breath away as we step inside.

With every step, we are in awe of the grandeur that surrounds us – the intricate mosaics, awe-inspiring statues, and the radiant light streaming through stained-glass windows. The sense of history and the beauty of human achievement resonate deeply. We take our time and stroll through the interior of the church as well as the catacombs below

Climbing the Dome: A Panoramic View

For the adventurers among us, climbing the dome of St. Peter’s Basilica is a must. After a brisk climb, we reach the top, and the panoramic view of Rome sprawls out before us like a mesmerizing tapestry. The city’s ancient history and modern marvels blend seamlessly, reminding us of the enduring spirit of humanity. Just make sure to pace yourself and drink lots of water during the hottest months of the summer.

Climbing the Dome
View of the Plaza from the top of the Dome
Witnessing the Roman Coliseum and Arch of Constantine

No trip to Rome would be complete without visiting the iconic Roman Coliseum, the grand amphitheater that once hosted gladiatorial contests and grand spectacles. As we approach this architectural marvel, the imagination runs wild with scenes from ancient times, feeling the energy of the crowds that once filled its seats.

Arch of Constantine
Up Close and Personal with The Coliseum

Just nearby stands the majestic Arch of Constantine, a triumphal arch erected to commemorate Emperor Constantine’s victory in battle. The history etched into these structures gives us a sense of connection to the past, and we marvel at the engineering ingenuity of ancient Rome.

Staying at Crown Plaza at St. Peter’s

After a day full of adventure and wonder, we head back to the luxurious Crown Plaza at St. Peter’s to rest and recharge for another day of exploration. The hotel’s elegant charm and excellent service provide a comfortable haven to unwind after a day filled with unforgettable experiences.


As the sun sets on our Roman escapade, we reflect on the sky journey from Athens to Rome. We’ve witnessed the magnificence of St. Peter’s Basilica, climbed to new heights for stunning views, explored the Coliseum’s historical grandeur, and found solace in the comfort of the Crown Plaza at St. Peter’s.

Rome’s allure lies not only in its timeless architecture and ancient history but also in its ability to leave an indelible mark on the hearts of those who visit. As we bid farewell to this enchanting city, we take with us cherished memories and a deep appreciation for the richness of human heritage and the beauty of our world. Until the next adventure, fellow travelers, blue skies, and safe travels on your next sky journey!

Check out the rest of my European Summer Journey