Do You Love Puppies And Kittens? How Shopping Saves Animals

Did you know that your everyday online shopping can help save puppies and kittens? It’s true! By using the special link “” when you shop on Amazon, you can make a real difference in the lives of animals in need.

Shop Online, Save Lives: How You Can Help

I’m a passionate animal rescuer, and I fly my Piper Warrior across California to save animals from shelters. But the costs of these rescue flights are all out-of-pocket and add up. That’s where you come in. By starting your Amazon shopping with this link, you’re not just buying things you need—you’re helping to save lives.

The Power of a Click: Rescue Animals with Your Purchases

Every time you click the link and make a purchase, Amazon gives me a small commission. These funds go directly toward covering the costs of flying rescue missions with my Piper Warrior. Whether you’re buying toothpaste or a new gadget, your purchase helps rescue animals.

How I Use My Piper Warrior to Save Animals

I work with the charity Pilot’s N Paws, flying my trusty Piper Warrior to transport animals from kill shelters to rescue organizations. The costs of fuel, maintenance, and insurance add up quickly. But with your help, these costs become a little easier to manage.

Make a Difference with Every Purchase

Here’s the best part: You don’t have to do anything special. Just start your Amazon shopping using the link “,” and Amazon takes care of the rest. Any purchase made within 24 hours of clicking the link helps generate a commission. That’s it. No strings attached!

Shopping Saves Puppies…and Kittens too #ad

Your Shopping Can Save Lives Today

So, the next time you’re about to shop online, think of the puppies and kittens whose lives you can save. Your normal purchases can have an extraordinary impact. Imagine, that new book or kitchen gadget you were eyeing could help fuel my next rescue flight.

The “Belle” Of The Ball

Thank you for being a hero to these animals, one purchase at a time. #ad

Disclosure: As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. When you click on links in this post and make a purchase on Amazon, I may earn a small commission at no extra cost to you.

Check out our other rescue flights!

**Disclosure: As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.** When you click on links in this post and make a purchase on Amazon, I may earn a small commission at no extra cost to you.


Interested in helping us fly more animal rescues? Check out these items we use to keep our passengers safe, comfortable and happy. Any item purchased on the site helps keep us going.

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