CJ Saves the Huskies! It’s a Good Day to Rescue Puppies

Today is a good day to rescue puppies. Time has been flying by, but the Northern California atmospheric river has kept us grounded this winter. Even the ducks are considering investing in umbrellas, Alas, the rain has finally let up, and we’re on our way for a Husky adventure.

The Call

This week we had a distress call come through requesting assistance for two young Husky sisters in need of a lift to Southern California. When Pilots n Paws calls, there’s no time for second guessing. It’s like the Bat-signal but with more barking.

Flying in support of the Pilots N Paws Charity is always a heartwarming event. So it was a no-brainer when when a transport request out of my home airport pops up. “HELP PLEASE!” the transport request announces. “Two Sisters Need a Ride to Southern California”.

I knew I wanted to help, but a round-trip flight from NORCAL to SOCAL will take the whole day in my Warrior II. Thankfully, the trip coordinator is able to find a second pilot to split the trip into two legs with a stop in Fresno. Together, we get the girls all the way to a great animal rescue called “All Joy 4 Paws” in Southern California.

The Arrival

It’s a family affair as my daughter and I make our way to the airport and preflight the plane. “Fuel? – Check”, “Kennel?-Secured”, “Snacks? 😳 -gone, I ate them in the car 😂”. Good thing it’s only an hour and half flight.

A good day to rescue puppies
Husky Freedom Flight

As we arrive at the airport bright and early, Leslie shows up with the sisters in tow. These pups are so cute, they could charm the fleas off a stray dog. But they’re a tad shy. With some coaxing and treats, we manage to wrangle them into their kennels, albeit with a few puppy-sized protests.

Two Adorable Sisters Going on a FREEDOM FLIGHT

The Flight

Off we go, soaring through the skies with NORCAL ATC as our faithful guide. The flight is smooth as silk, with the valley below us like a picturesque quilt. However, if you think flying with Huskies is all peace and quiet, think again. These furry companions are quite the chatterboxes, filling the cabin with a cacophony of howls and whimpers. It’s like a canine choir up in here!

But fear not, dear passengers, for the magic of flight works wonders even on our four-legged friends. Before long, the rhythmic hum of the engine works its soothing spell, and our Husky sisters drift off into dreamland, leaving us to enjoy the serenity of the skies.

The Hand-off

Touching down in Fresno, we’re greeted by Jon, our next hero in line. With a wave and a smile, we bid farewell to our furry charges as they leap into Jon’s waiting truck, off to continue their journey to “All Joy 4 Paws“. And just like that, another successful mission in the books. It was indeed, a good day to rescue puppies.

UPDATE*. Jon sent some great photos of the girls flying to SoCal. Looks like they had a great scenic tour of L.A.

Happy Sisters going to L.A.
Scenic Tour of SoCal
Husky Sister Enjoying the Views


Interested in flying your own Pilots N Paws rescues? Check out these items we use to keep our passengers safe, comfortable and happy.

  1. Easy to transport wire kennel https://amzn.to/3OErw5p #ad
  2. Puppy Pads save your plane https://amzn.to/49tWdlE #ad
  3. Sanitize Your Plane Afterwards https://amzn.to/4bzGjIq #ad
  4. Cats Like Treats https://amzn.to/42Appp3 #ad
  5. And So Do Dogs https://amzn.to/49zxexn #ad
  6. Not all rescues come with a leash https://amzn.to/49ex26O #ad
  7. Sometimes they just need water https://amzn.to/3wiRh4Y #ad
  8. Amazon is great for pet supplies https://amzn.to/4bDboec. #ad

Check out our other rescue flights!

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