Our Sky-High Kitten Rescue: A Perfect California Animal Adventure

When I bought my first plane and started flying our Piper Warrior, my wife and I had visions of leisurely flights over vineyards and impromptu picnics in picturesque fields. Little did we know how many times we’d be called upon to take on a sky-high kitten rescue.

It all starts on a sunny Saturday morning, when I get an email from the nationwide animal charity called Pilots N Paws. I tell my wife, “you won’t believe this! There’s a rescue center in Fresno with seven adorable kittens and a mama that need to be transported to Napa for adoption. They’re looking for a pilot to volunteer. It’s like a feline airlift!”

She chuckles gently, “Looks like our plane is about to become a flying kitty condo.”

A few phone texts later, the mission is set. We start to prepare the aircraft, making sure it is kitten-proofed with cozy crates and plenty of kitty pads. We even pack ourselves a few snacks. Flying kittens is one thing, but flying with hangry spouses is another.

As we soar into the blue California sky, we settle into the gentle hum of the engine. The flight to Fresno is smooth, and soon enough, we are greeted by a three rescue workers, who hand over the precious cargo. Each kitten is cuter than the last, tiny meows echoing out of their kennels.

It’s a Sky-high Kitten Rescue

Unfortunately, the mama and her five kittens are a little under the weather, so we keep them separate from the other two kittens. “Now remember,” my wife says seriously, though her eyes twinkle with mischief. “No barrel rolls or loop-de-loops. We don’t want dizzy kitties.”

Mama and Her Kittens

As we take off with our eight furry passengers, my wife keeps a close eye on the kittens, who are surprisingly calm. Perhaps they sense the adventure they are on.

Climbing Aboard the Feline Airlift

Mid-flight, my wife keeps herself busy with a particularly curious tabby pawing at the kennel gate. “Aww, he really needs to be held.” So she takes him out to show him the view from 4,000 feet .

A View From Above

As we descend into Napa, I make one the smoothest landings of my career. On the ground, the kittens are quickly whisked away by the Margo, from the rescue Whiskers, Tails and Ferals.

Check out our other rescue flights!

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Interested in helping us fly more animal rescues? Check out these items we use to keep our passengers safe, comfortable and happy. Any item purchased on the site helps keep us going.

  1. Easy to transport wire kennel https://amzn.to/3OErw5p #ad
  2. Puppy Pads save your plane https://amzn.to/49tWdlE #ad
  3. Sanitize Your Plane Afterwards https://amzn.to/4bzGjIq #ad
  4. Cats Like Treats https://amzn.to/42Appp3 #ad
  5. And So Do Dogs https://amzn.to/49zxexn #ad
  6. Not all rescues come with a leash https://amzn.to/49ex26O #ad
  7. Sometimes they just need water https://amzn.to/3wiRh4Y #ad
  8. Amazon is great for pet supplies https://amzn.to/4bDboec. #ad
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